Parent/Students » Curriculum Information » Referral Process

Referral Process

Interesting info about different types of learners

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Any parent can request that their child be considered for gifted services. It is recommended to work with your child's homeroom teacher to start the process. Teacher input is valuable because he/she sees children's strengths in comparison to peers. Below you will see the standard process for referrals.

1. Observations
Things to consider:
* Bright vs. Gifted
* Pretests & academic performance in class
* Will your child be able to keep up in their homeroom class and miss 20% of class time while attending the GT class?
2. Paperwork
*Teacher will fill out a referral form
and school checklist.
*Parent will fill out parent checklist
and permission to test form and get them back to the teacher
3. Teacher submits paperwork to GT Facilitator.
GT Facilitator will set up testing times, score the tests, and initiate an electronic meeting process that includes the principal, teacher, and school psychologist.
4. Parent Communication
GT Facilitator will contact parents via phone or letter to report decision.

Identification Process